Building Community Capacity to Address Mental Health Challenges

The “Strengthening the Mental Health and Responsiveness of Caregivers to Young Children” project is having a profound impact on local organizations and workers. Through extensive capacity-building efforts, local community-based organizations (CBOs), social workers, and health professionals are better equipped to address the mental health needs of adolescent and young mothers.

One such organization, Associação Ovarelelana, has seen a remarkable transformation in its ability to provide support. “Before the training, our team lacked the resources to effectively help mothers facing mental health challenges. Now, we understand how to address stress, trauma, and depression in young mothers,” said Maria, a social worker with the association.

The project’s training in mental health, stress management, and positive discipline has helped local partners become more confident in their work. Indirectly, this has also improved community trust. “The families now reach out to us more. They feel we understand their struggles,” said Joaquim, a community health worker. Through these efforts, the project is building a sustainable foundation for community-driven mental health support, ensuring that young mothers and their children receive the care they need for years to come.

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